Why I Should Be A Christmas Elf (Blogmas Day 16)

Christmas wrapping – a controversial subject. Some people love it, others hate it and most of us don’t actually know what we are doing. I am one of those people that LOVE it. I mean, I too haven’t got a clue if what I am doing is right, but it doesn’t stop me.

Last night I went on a bit of a wrapping spree. With Michael Buble or a Christmas film in the background, it’s one of my favourite festive activities. Some of you will be reading this thinking I am absolutely crazy, but if there was a part time job as a Christmas wrapper, and I could do it – I would. I may as well be a Christmas Elf.

I’ve used tartan print paper, (because for some reason tartan is Christmassy to me), and plain brown/slightly gold paper. I love colour co-ordination, and this year my Christmas Cards match my wrapping paper – which pleases me too much. Oh, I also went a bit crazy with ribbons… I only get to do this once a year, so I’ve basically gone a bit over board. The wrapping is a sparkly, festive mess; but if they don’t like the presents, at least the wrapping paper might excite them!

My happiness after wrapping only grew, when Tanya Burr – yes THE YOUTUBER AND AUTHOR, TANYA BURR OF TANYA BURR COSMETICS, liked my tweet on my blogs twitter page (@blog_little). It felt like a Christmas present; Merry Blogmas to me.



Apologies if my excitement over Christmas wrapping and a like from Tanya Burr have been too much for you. But as I always say, my blog is all about ‘The Little Things’, because they are so important and those two little things made me incredibly happy.


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